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The Minister’s Treehouse:

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#1 DNAlh Posted 29 October 2012 - 14:33 PM

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Ну просто фантастика! :) Жилище лесных эльфов. и дом-побратим нашего архангельского небоскреба. :)

А вот так выглядят интерьеры. Кстати, как и наш деревянный небоскреб, это здание тоже власти вниманием не оставляют... :(

Update: The treehouse has been closed by the Tennessee Fire Marshall, who says that it's a tourist attraction and therefore must conform to state building codes. Horace says that it's a treehouse, and there are no codes for a treehouse. And it's proven to be well-built despite the footfalls of thousands of visitors over 20 years. For now, however, the gate to its driveway is locked.


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